Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?


This morning while I was walking, I had the words of the Christmas carol Do You Hear what I Hear? come to mind. Kinda weird as it’s April! It’s not one I know either.

I took a look at the lyrics. There are three phrases that stand out from the song, one from each part;

  • Do you see what I see?
  • Do you hear what I hear?
  • Do you know what I know?

Then as I was waiting to meet someone, I saw a big sign hanging up for home insurance. And these words were on it:


“To them everywhere is a blank canvas.”

To who? To those who are born of the Spirit. To those who see what he sees, hear what he hears, and know what he knows.

Jesus saw what his Father was seeing, heard what his Father was hearing, and knew what his Father knew.

Like the most talented artist, he paints on the blank canvas of this world and its people with the most vivid, beautiful and colourful materials, transforming potential into reality.

Or like the most brilliant composer, he writes and plays the most wonderful, stunning pieces of music, full of the most incredible harmony and putting them in the hearts of people.

And like the most simple but profound philosopher, he speaks words of wisdom like have never been heard before, words of spirit and life.

How does he paint, compose and play, and speak? With Jesus himself, Life. That is all the Father has to give. Life, Jesus Himself. “And without him nothing was made that was made.”

And he asks us constantly; Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? Do you know what I know?

Those who are one with him see what he sees, hear what he hears, and know what he knows. It’s impossible not to! To those who are born of the Spirit, everywhere is a blank canvas. They see, hear and know differently. Everywhere is potential for Life to be expressed in the most vivid, beautiful and colourful way. There is no specific place for this expression, it’s everywhere, in anyone and everyone.

Eat the Bread, drink the Living Water. Take these words and let Life flow.

“To them everywhere is blank canvas.”

2 thoughts on “Do You See What I See?

    1. I remember some year back God giving me this song in the night, like you Pete I did not know its origin just instinctively followed it…perhaps a month later Jason Upton Sang it… what strikes me is not so much that “behold I make all things new” Mammoth / cataclysmic event Christ brought into being …blank canvas [Grace point 1] but more the ‘second touch’ where Jesus does not sound much like a faith healer at all buy saying gently…do you see anything yet? Why? because he is working with the Guys way of seeing, [Grace point 2] helping him see passed his ‘hang ups’ that were hindering his love based cognition and for the first time in ages he was present to the beauty within and present to the beauty without…It seems completely reasonable to life that is already there !!! and us truly beholding joining in this Shout, Grace Grace. Where once he made his way with some fear and trepidation he now went his way with love filled expectancy, possibilities…Glory.


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